Takahiro Mori's website


List of articles on arXiv

Refereed Papers

MathSciNet author page
  1. [4] Takahiro Mori,
    Large deviation principle for the intersection measure of Brownian motions on unbounded domains.
    Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, (2023).
    DOI arXiv:2005.09219
  2. [3] Kazuhiro Kuwae, Takahiro Mori,
    $L^p$-Kato class measures for symmetric Markov processes under heat kernel estimates.
    Mathematische Annalen (2021).
    DOI arXiv:2008.10934
  3. [2] Takahiro Mori,
    $L^p$-Kato class measures and their relations with Sobolev embedding theorems for Dirichlet spaces.
    Journal of Functional Analysis 281 (2021), no. 3.
    DOI arXiv:2005.13758
  4. [1] Takahiro Mori,
    Large deviations for intersection measures of some Markov processes.
    Mathematische Nachrichten 293 (2020), no. 3, 533--553.
    DOI arXiv:1805.07945 (detailed version)

Other Publications



Contact information

Takahiro Mori (森 隆大)
Assistant Professor

Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto 606-8585, Japan
E-mail: tmori(at)kit(dott)ac(dott)jp
Since September 1, 2020 / last update: March 1, 2023